Goal Setting with Alay Yajnik

In this episode, Alay discusses: 

  • How goals work.
  • Why goals often fail.
  • Why goal failure is not bad.
  • Outcome-based versus activity-based goals. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Set fewer goals but know why that goal is important to you and know what it will take to achieve it.
  • Without a plan for change, a goal is just a wish.
  • Look at what habits you have now. There are habits you’re doing right now that are contributing to your success, and ones that are limiting your success. 


Tweetable Moments:

“It’s much harder to set a committed goal that you are going to drive yourself to take the actions to achieve.” —  Alay Yajnik

“A truly committed goal is something I want to do, what I need to do. I’m going to make it happen this year, and I’m going to put forth my best effort to make sure it happens.” —  Alay Yajnik

“Invest your emotional energy into those three activities that are really going to move the needle on your firm.” —  Alay Yajnik

“Habits drive outcomes. If you have successful habits, you’re going to have successful outcomes.” —  Alay Yajnik


Thank you to our Sponsor: Counsel CPAs: https://www.counselcpas.com/  


Connect with Alay Yajnik: 

Podcast: http://lawyerbusinessadvantage.com/ 

One Page Strategic Plan: LawFirmSuccessGroup.com

Email: Alay@YajnikGroup.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/alayyajnik

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