Hear from our clients

I saw Alay speak at the Attorney Action Club many months ago. The 20 minute exercise he had us do that day had an immediate impact on my business practices and lowered my business owner blood pressure. When he announced an all day workshop, I think I was the first to sign up. It is hard to make time to stop and think about the business side of a law practice – it is not what gets me up in the morning and I would rather practice law and be with my clients than address processes and infrastructure. Alay’s workshop showed me that I am leaving substantial amounts of money on the table through my inefficiencies. Lawyers are not trained to run businesses – it does not come naturally to most of us. Alay understands the way we operate. At the end of the workshop I had a concrete one-page business strategy to decrease inefficiencies and leverage my networks to increase revenue. I have already begun implementing the strategies and tactics he taught us. I encourage any attorney who running, or thinking of running, their own practice to attend one of Alay’s workshops.